Our software automates the calculation of design loads and the checking of strength according to most international standards (ASCE, NESC, IEC, CENELEC, etc.). This has been possible because of Power Line Systems close involvement over the past 30 years with the organizations that developed these standards and the feedback from the electric companies that require their use.
Presales FAQ (Spanish Translation)
Subscription Based Licensing FAQ (Spanish Translation)

The standard edition of PLS-CADD is a line design program that includes all the terrain, sag-tension, loads, clearances and drafting functions necessary for the design of an entire power line. Also includes PLS-CADD/LITE and PLS-CADD/ULTRALITE, but not any of the other items listed below (compare editions).
Optimum Spotting Option: Enables automatic selection of structure locations and types for the least cost design of a line.
SAPS Option: Finite element sag-tension option: provides a superior alternative to the built-in ruling span sag-tension.
PLS-CADD/LITE: Simplified edition of PLS-CADD for calculation of sags and tensions in a single span, thermal ratings and structure loading trees for a single structure. Included at no charge with the standard edition (compare editions). Includes PLS-CADD/ULTRALITE, but does not include the terrain modeling, material or drafting functions of the standard edition and is based on the ruling span concept. (PLS-CADD/LITE does not open or act as a viewer for PLS-CADD Standard edition models).
PLS-CADD/ULTRALITE: Streamlined version of PLS-CADD for quick modeling of a single span of conductor or wire. It develops a Sag-Tension report as well as Stringing Charts for a user definable range of span lengths and stringing temperatures.
PLS-CADD/SURVEY: Surveyor's edition of PLS-CADD that provides terrain modeling and drafting capabilities, but not structure spotting, loads, clearances, or sag-tension (compare editions).
PLS-GRID is the latest software offering from Power Line Systems, the original provider of “digital twin” and “BIM” software for your overhead transmission, distribution, and communication lines for over 35 years. Leverage your decades of overhead line models built in PLS-CADD, PLS-CADD/Lite, PLS-POLE, and TOWER to create your own PLS-GRID that allows access to accurate structure usage, line clearances, vegetation clearances, thermal line ratings, plan and profile sheets, sag tension reports, staking data, construction documents etc. on your desktop as well as on the web. PLS-GRID manages all your overhead line data in a single location for easily distributing to all departments and contractors.
Analyzes, designs and optimizes steel lattice towers for transmission and substation applications.
Analyzes and designs structures with wood, laminated wood, steel, concrete or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) poles, or modular aluminum masts.
In addition it also comes with CAISSON (purchased separately) functionality embedded in for designing directly embedded poles with or without backfill, as well as concrete piers.
PLS-POLE/WOOD for analysis and design of wood poles
PLS-POLE/STEEL for analysis and design of steel poles
PLS-POLE/CONCRETE for analysis and design of concrete poles
PLS-POLE/LW+MAST for analysis and design of laminated wood poles and modular aluminum masts
PLS-POLE/FRP for analysis and design of Fiber Reinforced Polymer poles
Designs moment resisting reinforced concrete pier foundations and direct embedment depths for poles.
Structural Analysis of Power and communication Systems is the analysis engine that powers our other software. It can be purchased for standalone use to solve exotic problems. SAPS can act as a plug-in to add finite element sag-tension to the standard edition of PLS-CADD.
Performs finite element analysis of cables using a linear material conductor model. Many clients ask whether SAGSEC or PLS-CADD/LITE is better suited for solving a certain kind of problem. This comparison chart should help you decide which program will best meet your needs.
Multiple license discounts are available, but you can save even more money by bundling programs into collections.
The PLS-ONE has it all, and for the best price!
You get PLS-CADD w/ Optimum Spotting and Finite Element sag/tension.
You also get TOWER and PLS-POLE (Wood, Steel, Concrete, Laminated Wood, & FRP), with integrated CAISSON.
Everything Power Line Systems has to offer.
All programs require Microsoft Windows (supported versions include 64 bit, 10 or 11).